Monday, April 29, 2013

Freedom to Choose One's Attitude

We always have a choice and it is important to remember how great a blessing it is. Lately I have had a hard time not getting frustrated. This quote was a reminder to me that only I can change it. Nobody forces an attitude on us. I do not have to get angry over nothing, my energy is better spent elsewhere. 

Viktor E Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning (1984)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


This scripture is an important reminder that we should involve the Lord in every part of our life. A friend said that she was having a hard time and prayed asking “Can I borrow your happiness for the day?” Often I get on my knees in the morning and say “Today is going to be ruff. Help me have the strength to make it to my knees again tonight.” The Lord is always willing to give support if you are willing to ask.

Alma 36:37 

Friday, April 26, 2013


I love reading the scriptures as well as listening to General Conference and learning from the prophets. When I hear others talk about General Conference I have noticed that everyone has their favorite person they like to listen to, as do I. As Elder Perry said, each has their own unique experiences and I think that is a blessing for us. It gives us something to relate to and provides many different insights on the principles we each hold true. 

L. Tom Perry, "By the Hands of His Prophets", Ensign, Liahona, August 1998

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Was Here

This video was very touching. I think there is so much we can do to leave our mark; it doesn’t have to be grand, even just the little things can make a big difference in someone’s life. I think the lyrics emphasize this message better than I ever could. 

Monday, April 22, 2013


This is so easy to forget. My first reaction was when I imagine being done with school or other big events but so often I find myself thinking “I just have to make it to the end of the week or the end of the day and I can relax and be happy again.” This quote can be applied every day because there is always something to stress about. We just have to find the joy in the journey. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I think stars are beautiful, and this quote makes me think about how important we are that we have the ability to be immortal thanks to our Savior. There is so much to enjoy and time really is not something that should take control. We have eternity to worry about trivial things and should focus on becoming the person we want to be. 

 Neil A Maxwell “Our Creator’s Cosmos” By Study and by Faith, 2009.

Friday, April 19, 2013


 “Our faith in doing the planning as best we could provided the way to revelation in finding out how to use our time more effectively. Nightly planning should happen throughout the day and weekly planning starts before you get to Thursday.”
Cousin on Mission

I never thought about receiving revelation to find out how to use time more effectively. I do know from experience that there have been times when God has blessed me with extra time and somehow I can get things done on time. It would be nice to know that I can always use my time productively. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God is Never Hidden

There have been many times when I have felt like the Lord was far from me and that I was trying to do things on my own. These words ring true, sometimes I am hiding myself with my school work or what I think I should be accomplishing. I find myself letting moments slip past where I could have helped someone but because I am caught up in getting done what I need to I remain hidden under my pavilion. God knows what is best and I should do better not to be hidden. 

Henry B Eyring, “Where Is the Pavilion?” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 72.

Monday, April 15, 2013

God is not a novice

Sometimes I wonder why I forget to ask for help from the one person who can help me the best in hard times. I often cannot see ahead of me. God knows everything and He knows which step I should take and which path I should follow that will give me the most happiness. 

J. Reuben Clark Jr., Behold the Lamb of God (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1962), 17.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

See Others as They May Become

When I worked at a daycare I saw children who threw tantrums, who enjoyed making messes, and who liked to find ways to annoy me. It was so easy to forget the importance of each child and the importance that they can make later. Even in high school I knew a boy who I felt like would not change. He went on to serve a mission and when he came back I felt like I had no idea who he was. Seeing people as they can become keeps us from judging them and allows them to feel the encouragement to grow. 

Thomas S Monson, “See Others as They May Become,” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 70.