Sunday, June 2, 2013


One idea recommended to me was to say a prayer for 20 minutes and only say things I was thankful for, without asking for anything. I thought this would be easy and so I started out strong with all the things I was thankful for. That lasted for about 5 minutes. Then I had to really start thinking about things I was grateful for, things that I took for granted every day. This opened my eyes as I realized everything that I had and how much the Lord helps me throughout the small things in the day to day activities. It seemed that any problems I had or anything that I felt I had needed were a small pebble compared to how many blessings I had. There is a lot of power in gratitude and just as the one leper who came back was blessed more than just physically, so too are we blessed beyond our immediate needs when we express gratitude often. 

David A Bednar, "Pray Always" Ensign, Nov 2008

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