Friday, May 31, 2013


What is past is prologue.
Shakespeare, Tempest
These are great words of wisdom. Looking in any book with a prologue you will notice that the prologue is not more than a chapter of the rest of the book. It is so tiny compared to what is to come. That is how all our lives are, whether young or old. There are so many things worth looking towards and working for. When you are young you have an entire life to live and experience. When you are old you have qualities to refine and relationships you are ready to pick up again in the next life. We are immortal and though it is hard to look at how small this chapter of our life is in the big scheme of things, always remember that there is still the rest of the book to be written. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Word of Wisdom

Our bodies are a gift and need to be taken care of. The Word of Wisdom provides a guideline of how to best take care of our bodies. There is so much to do in life and so many adventures to go on. There is an entire world to explore and our bodies need to be in the best shape to take full advantage of life. Also, because our bodies are gifts, they can be used to help other people. It takes a lot of energy and strength to fulfill callings and to aid people in need. To be alert to spiritual promptings is important to know how best to help those around us. This provides a fulfilling life that you could not have if you are unable to keep your body in the best condition. 

President Boyd K. Packer Ensign, May 1996, Page 18

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Family A Proclamation To The World

Three things about the [Proclamation] title are worth our careful reflection. First the subject: the family. Second, the audience, which is the whole world. And third, those proclaiming it are those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. All this means that the family must be of tremendous importance to us, that whatever the proclamation says could help anyone in the world, and that the proclamation fits the Lord’s promise when he said, “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).
Elder Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, February 1998.

If you have not read the The Family A Proclamation to the World recently I highly suggest you do. I suggest even taking the time to memorize the Proclamation. If you do the words can come to your mind in times that you need them and you can see how much the Proclamation applies throughout your life. The words are uplifting and the promises are wonderful. The Proclamation reminds us of the importance of the family to God as well as to society. There is hope in its words for everyone and it is important to read over those words every so often to remember the promises. This Proclamation is not for a select few, it is for the world and it is important that everyone has the chance to hear it. It was given to us by servants of God and therefore we know that those words are the Lord’s words to us. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Voice We Can Trust

I completely agree with Elder Perry, it is such a comfort to know that we have a prophet that we can trust. We have so much information thrown at us and so many people talking about one research or another that says we should do something a certain way. Even though the Lord talks to each of us individually, sometimes I have a hard time listening. It is then that I need a sure voice that can help me know the path I should be on. The prophet provides this for me. The prophet is always someone we can count on to tell us what is right; the prophet is always someone we can count on to show us the way. It truly is a comfort and a blessing to have.  

L. Tom Perry, "Heed the Prophet's Voice", Ensign and Liahona, November 1994

Friday, May 24, 2013

Never Feel Worthless

No one should ever feel worthless. God has a plan for everyone and so long as we are working to do as He would have us become we will be able to see the purpose in our lives. I think it is wonderful when someone realizes that they are not worthless and that someone Heavenly Father and his Son knows them. I have not figured out how to help some people understand that divine truth. It brings so much peace but there are some who simply do not realize it. I want to be better at helping people see this so that they can feel the hope as well. That way everyone can share the same confirmation as stated in this quote. 

Merrill J Bateman, “The Eternal Family,” BYU Magazine

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lord's Hands

Most often I have noticed that answers to my prayers come through someone else. This is how the Lord works. He uses us as His hands and in turn we are able to be blessed through helping someone else. This is a wonderful system that allows for all of us to benefit but only if we do our part. If we are not ready to serve the Lord and do not listen when He calls then we miss out on special opportunities to be His hands. He is dependent on each of us and it is important to always be ready.  

Thomas S. Monson, “What Have I Done for Someone Today?” Ensign Nov. 2009, 86

Monday, May 20, 2013


It is interesting to look at different people throughout history who have been considered “great.” In reality those people never became great through one moment or action. Looking at leaders like George Washington or Napoleon, they became great because they developed the skills necessary to lead their people into battles. It took a lifetime for them to become great. Even looking at researchers who have made discoveries that changed history, they did not become great in an instant. They had the determination and put in the time to do the work to make those discoveries. In the end, everyone can be great through the correct everyday choices made.
Another point I want to make is that some of the greatest things a person can do is within the home. It is hard to be a mother or father and the choices and skills required everyday is a lot of work. Whether or not the work you do as a parent is acknowledged, it is important, and there is a lot of greatness in the work. Never diminish how essential a parent is to the family and the word.

Howard W. Hunter, CR, April 1982, 28; or “True Greatness,”Ensign, May 1982, 20. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Comfort Zone

I have my own little comfort zone that I like to stay in and it is hard for me to branch out and make an effort to build strong friendships. I want to be better at getting to know people enough that I can make a difference in their lives but it is scary for me. This quote gives me hope and strength that I truly will be able to do things that I never thought was possible. I know that the gifts and talents I have are blessing from God and that when I follow Him those blessing multiply and I have opportunities to use those talents for good.

Robert D Hales, “Being a More Christian Christian” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 90. 

Friday, May 17, 2013


Often I get so overwhelmed with everything I have to do that I can’t do anything. I love the idea taking it step by step and just figuring out where to start. One place that is always a good start is prayer. I often pray just for the strength to do what I need to do and somehow the hand and foot holes are just where I need them to be for me to keep climbing. 

Cousin on Mission

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

His Time

I find myself getting impatient sometimes even though I know this principle to be true. Sometimes I feel rushed because of how crazy life gets but I just need to remember that the blessings from God are always worth the wait. 

Henry B Eyring, “Where Is the Pavilion?” Ensign, Nov. 2012, 72.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bigger Than You

This quote reminds us that we cannot just focus on ourselves. We are part of a big picture and it is up to each of us individually to find out what God’s role is for us. There are people who look up to us and are watching us even when we do not know it. There is not time to be selfish. At the same time it is hopeful because it portrays the idea that there is always something we can be doing. It is never too late to start looking at how our life is influencing the world around us. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Observe Then Serve

The opportunity to serve is not going to just fall into our laps. It would be too easy and we would not be able to learn and grow from it. I have a really hard time keeping myself aware of what is going on around me, especially when I am busy. I am sure that I have missed a lot of opportunities to serve because I have not been observing. Take the time to pay attention to the people around you. God always has people you can help. Even though it may seem inconvenient when the chance does come I know it is important to make time to serve because it provides so many wonderful blessings.

Linda K Burton, “First Observe, Then Serve” Ensign, Nov 2012, 80. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Here is a video I found today that was really touching. Mother's Day is a wonderful time to thank our mother's for all that they have done, but it should not be the only day. Thank yous should be given everyday to mothers because it is a lot of work to be a mother. I know that they have an important role in the lives of children and that to be a mother is a noble role worth being praised for. Even those who are not able to have children and have the desire should be praised because even a desire is more than a lot of people have today.

Friday, May 10, 2013


It is so easy to be quick to judge yet we hope for understanding of our own situation from those around us. I think it is important to remember not to jump to conclusions or assume we understand a person’s situation. There are many decisions each person has to make and it is not our job to determine what the right decision for another person was. We should focus on our own options because sometimes it is hard to choose between the options we have. Our best efforts should be on ourselves and not worrying about what others are doing. Following this maybe I will not be part of that world that judges someone by their decisions, and in turn no one will judge me by my decisions. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Individual

I am also amazed at how much the Lord cares for me individually. So many times He has answered my prayers no matter how small a problem it seems. Sometimes I feel silly asking for something trivial like help finding something I lost but He has always been there. It is also amazing to travel around the world yet the church is the same and there are people everywhere who can testify of their own individual miracles. The Lord has so many people that He takes care of and yet He always has time for the individual. What an incredible thought.

 Thomas S Monson, “Consider the Blessings” Ensign, Nov 2012, 89.

Monday, May 6, 2013


I have been able to go to a couple of temples lately and I am blown away by the beauty and feelings that come when I go. I truly think that going through the temple is worthy of everyone’s greatest efforts. The blessings are wonderful and a goal worth working towards. I love this song because the words are so true, especially the lines “It’s the place I reach for heaven, and it reaches in return.” The temple is a wonderful place to go to find answers to questions or even just to feel peace and become separated from the world.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Small Moment

When trials come I find myself losing strength and feel like it never ends. It always ends though, and when it does I either dwell on the past struggle or dread the next. The trials truly are just a small moment but there are ways to make them seem longer. Seek after the peace God promises and it will all work out. 

Friday, May 3, 2013


“I discovered that pride actually means that you have little self-confidence and that the only real way we can completely trust in anything is through faith on the only Being who is completely trustworthy.” 
Cousin on Mission

I think this is an interesting way to look at pride. There is truth to putting complete trust in the only one completely trustworthy. Sometimes I still get scared and then rely on my own instinct because I feel like it is easier to trust myself. This is basically pride built on little confidence in what the Lord has for me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Falling Into Place

Just the other day I started thinking about my life and how everything has played out. I found it interesting that I had wanted to do a career my whole life but when I changed what I was studying everything worked out better than it should have. All the jobs that I had gotten led to my career, all the schooling that I had done, all the certifications. I did not know this at the time but everything was falling into place. It seemed so scattered at the time and just lucky but now I see that God has his hand in everything and though I did not get to do what I originally thought I would it all worked out.