Monday, May 27, 2013

The Family A Proclamation To The World

Three things about the [Proclamation] title are worth our careful reflection. First the subject: the family. Second, the audience, which is the whole world. And third, those proclaiming it are those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators. All this means that the family must be of tremendous importance to us, that whatever the proclamation says could help anyone in the world, and that the proclamation fits the Lord’s promise when he said, “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).
Elder Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, February 1998.

If you have not read the The Family A Proclamation to the World recently I highly suggest you do. I suggest even taking the time to memorize the Proclamation. If you do the words can come to your mind in times that you need them and you can see how much the Proclamation applies throughout your life. The words are uplifting and the promises are wonderful. The Proclamation reminds us of the importance of the family to God as well as to society. There is hope in its words for everyone and it is important to read over those words every so often to remember the promises. This Proclamation is not for a select few, it is for the world and it is important that everyone has the chance to hear it. It was given to us by servants of God and therefore we know that those words are the Lord’s words to us. 

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