Monday, May 20, 2013


It is interesting to look at different people throughout history who have been considered “great.” In reality those people never became great through one moment or action. Looking at leaders like George Washington or Napoleon, they became great because they developed the skills necessary to lead their people into battles. It took a lifetime for them to become great. Even looking at researchers who have made discoveries that changed history, they did not become great in an instant. They had the determination and put in the time to do the work to make those discoveries. In the end, everyone can be great through the correct everyday choices made.
Another point I want to make is that some of the greatest things a person can do is within the home. It is hard to be a mother or father and the choices and skills required everyday is a lot of work. Whether or not the work you do as a parent is acknowledged, it is important, and there is a lot of greatness in the work. Never diminish how essential a parent is to the family and the word.

Howard W. Hunter, CR, April 1982, 28; or “True Greatness,”Ensign, May 1982, 20. 

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