Sunday, September 29, 2013

What We Know Will Always Trump What We Do Not Know

When I was a youth I remember I loved to ask questions that no one knew the answers to, such as what is it like on the other worlds God has created. They were fun to ask at the time but as I grew older and did not have answers I got bogged down and focused on them alone. There are many basic principles that we have been taught and that will always be true. We are children of our Heavenly Father who loves us and who sent His son to die for us so that we could return again to Him. I have learned that my previous questions are not ones I need to worry about and others should not worry about them as well. What is important is what we do know and what God has told us through prophets that we still need to learn. God will never leave us hanging and will always provide the knowledge we need and are ready for. In the end I agree with Elder Holland, “what we know will always trump what we do not know.”

               Jeffrey R Holland, “Lord, I Believe,” Ensign, May 2013, 94. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Teach Your Families

Often I feel guilty when apostles talk about the family and I feel like I am not doing enough. There are many times when I feel like I receive no appreciation for the work I do. I am sure that there are many who feel the same as me. During this talk though, I felt as though it was a great reminder that the hard work that goes into raising children is important. There really is no greater work we can do because if we are not the ones to teach our children then no one will. There are so many challenges for the youth of today and after seeing how important the knowledge of the Holy Ghost and the Atonement is in my life I can only imagine the aid it will be for the youth. I want my children to be armed with the best weapons against the adversary and I need to teach myself fully those principles so that I am prepared to teach my children when they are ready.

Boyd K Packer, “These Things I Know,” Ensign, May 2013, 7. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Search the Scriptures

There is so much that we do not understand and so much that we never can understand in this life but it is nice to know that we can dive into at least a part of the mysteries through the scriptures. There are many things we can learn but one way that I feel as though the scriptures bring wisdom is an ability to better understand and sympathize with other people. It is really hard to understand a person’s motives and the choices they make when we do not know what all is happening in their lives. God knows though and He can help us understand as well. When we apply the scriptures we become more like Christ and more able to sympathize with other people. We also learn from people throughout the scriptures and learn not to judge those in the stories who have weak points. I love reading the scriptures and there is so much that can be learned from them no matter how many times you read them, especially in the Book of Mormon. I try to read the Book of Mormon at least once a year which I think is a good goal for all who want more understanding. 

Dean M Davies, “A Sure Foundation,” Ensign, May 2013, 10. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Serve a Mission

It has been amazing to see how the new missionary age requirements have affected so many people around me. I have seen the youth in my ward rush to get started in the work, I have seen cousins go, and people I did not think would go. When I see these people’s enthusiasm and fire I see the difference from who they were. The gospel touches so many lives and teaching it provides so many blessings. I have listened to my husband talk about how his mission has affected him in different ways and I feel so blessed to have him as an example to me and to my children. His decision to serve a mission has had its impact on me in that I have tried to become a better person to be like him. I truly believe it is a calling each young man should accept and someday I hope to have the chance to serve with my husband.

Russell M Nelson, “Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!” Engisn, Nov 2012, 18. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Heed a Silent Prompting

I think that acting upon silent promptings without delay is the key part to take away from this message. It takes time and experience to learn what is a prompting. In the beginning God will let you know what is a prompting and if you act on it right away you will be blessed with more opportunities. I have found that when I let myself get scared and neglect to act on I miss the opportunity to learn to recognize promptings. Now I feel like I am back at the beginning, trying to learn what is a prompting and doing my best to apply the principle of acting without delay. God will not neglect His children and I know that if I am not the answer someone will be but I do not want to miss out on those blessings. I know that there really is not another feeling more precious than answering another person’s payer. That is why I am working so hard at this and I feel that everyone should too. 

Thomas S. Monson, “Peace, Be Still,” Ensign, Nov. 2002, 55.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Unfinished Composition

I think it is a wonderful blessing to hear the testimony of the apostles and the prophets. Especially from one who has had years of experience. President Packer describes through his poem the simple truths such as how “we have no greater friend” and shows that we do not need to know all the symbols of every scripture story. In the end it will come down to how well we know God and have followed His commandments. Another thing I love about this poem is that coming to know God does not come all at once and does not come early. It comes with time as shown by President Packer describing it at the end of his poem. I think the apostles are great to lean on when someone’s testimony is weak or just starting. Their testimonies are so pure and simple and the spirit testifies of the truthfulness of the words. I hope that in the end we can all say “my Lord, my God, I know.”

Boyd K Packer, “Unfinished Composition,” 2012. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is a powerful teacher and can touch our hearts in the softest ways. I love the line “simply when we need to know that God is near.” Sometimes I feel alone and just need to know someone cares. The Holy Ghost is the comforter and I can feel a physical embrace when I receive that comfort. Other times when making big decisions I want to know that I am making the right choice. I also really like knowing that the Holy Ghost can teach us. When raising children there is a lot about kids that no one can teach you about. Each child is so unique and it takes a different way of parenting for each one. No one knows our children better than God himself and He can teach us what we need to know. There is no reason to despair when we keep the Spirit close.

 Craig C Christensen, “An Unspeakable Gift from God,” Ensign, Nov 2012

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Be an Example

I find it interesting that even though this talk was given many years ago the words still ring true today. Lately the LDS church has been in the spotlight for various reasons such as debates on gay marriage, Romney running for president, and other events that have peaked people’s interests in our beliefs. It is just as important now as it was then to be an example to those around us. People are watching whether or not we know it and though it should not be this way there are those who base their opinions on the actions of a few. Hopefully the few that they judge are being a good example. Overall this quote provides proof that the apostles and prophets are called of God and that their words are important for all generations. We should look to what they have to say to us now and look to the past for what they have said and we will be blessed to know the way to go. 

Gordon B Hinckley, “Drawing Nearer to the Lord,” Ensign, October 1997. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Perfect Family

I was raised in a family that everyone thought was perfect. People looking in from the outside thought my parents had parenting down and that we were all perfect little kids. Though I was raised well there were still many problems and trials that brought us to where we are today. Even now there are struggles my family is going through that no one would ask for. As I have gone through my study of family life classes I have learned how many ways things can go wrong in the home. It does not mean that it is over and that there is no more hope, it does not mean that we are bad people if we do it wrong. It means that no one is perfect and we should not compare ourselves to others. It is really hard to imagine how others view you, they may think you are the one who is perfect. The best thing to do is to keep trying, and help each other. 

Elder Robert D. Hales, “Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty,” Ensign, May 1999, 32.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


It is important to always stay in line with the spirit so that we are open to receive knowledge. When we are prepared then we can anything God asks us to do. Even if we have no idea how to lead a Relief Society or be a Bishop the Lord can guide us. Just as Nephi and Noah were asked to build boats, we can do the impossible through the knowledge God gives us. At the same time I truly believe in seeking out knowledge for ourselves. Nothing you learn will be a waste, and you can always be learning. Just a month ago my husband and I started learning Spanish together. We think it will be a great skill to us and our children. Choose a new skill to learn, read books, and take advantage of what the world has to offer. Knowledge is such a blessing to us and to others when used while living in tune with the spirit.

 Boyd K Packer, “These Things I Know,” Ensign, May 2013, 8.