Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Be an Example

I find it interesting that even though this talk was given many years ago the words still ring true today. Lately the LDS church has been in the spotlight for various reasons such as debates on gay marriage, Romney running for president, and other events that have peaked people’s interests in our beliefs. It is just as important now as it was then to be an example to those around us. People are watching whether or not we know it and though it should not be this way there are those who base their opinions on the actions of a few. Hopefully the few that they judge are being a good example. Overall this quote provides proof that the apostles and prophets are called of God and that their words are important for all generations. We should look to what they have to say to us now and look to the past for what they have said and we will be blessed to know the way to go. 

Gordon B Hinckley, “Drawing Nearer to the Lord,” Ensign, October 1997. 

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