Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Serve a Mission

It has been amazing to see how the new missionary age requirements have affected so many people around me. I have seen the youth in my ward rush to get started in the work, I have seen cousins go, and people I did not think would go. When I see these people’s enthusiasm and fire I see the difference from who they were. The gospel touches so many lives and teaching it provides so many blessings. I have listened to my husband talk about how his mission has affected him in different ways and I feel so blessed to have him as an example to me and to my children. His decision to serve a mission has had its impact on me in that I have tried to become a better person to be like him. I truly believe it is a calling each young man should accept and someday I hope to have the chance to serve with my husband.

Russell M Nelson, “Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!” Engisn, Nov 2012, 18. 

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